Here's some photos of the vineyard x-mas lights
Click here for detailed project page.
 Image taken at bottom of drieway 07-Dec-23 for
comparison to 2022 below. (Click on image for video.) In 2022 we had
a single panel of 50w x 20h, and the lettering was only 10w x 8h. In
2023 the screen is 4 panels for an effective 200w x 20h, and the
letters are doubled for 20w x 16h.
Our vineyard x-mas lights as seen from the corner of SR-305 and Lovgreen RD.
taken 13-Dec-22.

Wraparound video from in front of sign, in daylight. (2023 -- 2 panels, large letters.)
video of our sign in action at distance taken 13-Dec-22.
video of our sign in action up close taken 14-Dec-22.
Side view at dusk taken 19-Dec-20