Vintners |
In this issue: |
▪ Next official open
winery weekend - 28,29-Apr
▪ Releases - new
Magelica, and almost sold out
▪ Consider "Like"ing us
on Facebook
-- April-2012 |
▪ New weather station |
here to view in HTML on website)
▪ Vineyard - weeding,
planting, weeding |
http://www.PerennialVintners.com/ |
▪ Recipes -Grilled Spot
Shrimp & Baby Artichoke Salad |
(Click on any image below to go to
website with more information/larger
Next official open winery weekend -
Our next official open day is the last weekend
of April. This is a
Alliance of Bainbridge Island event with
all wineries open both days that weekend. We'll
be open 11am 'til 5pm, the other wineries open
at noon.
The long-range weather forecast is showing
really nice that weekend so be sure to come on
out, take a few steps into the vineyard and see
buds pushing, which is a good sign for the
seasons growth.
Releases - new Magelica, and almost sold

As mentioned in previous
newsletters, we've come up with our first new
wine in a few years. In keeping with PV's
style, this is one of the most unique wines
you'll ever encounter. (This is not idle
boasting or generic marketing claptrap, read
on!) The wine is a botrytised Madeleine
Angevine from 2010 finished slightly sweet (only
3% R.S.), and in a port-style with grape neutral
spirits bringing the alcohol up to 19%. Imagine
a Sauterne wine without the overwhelming
sweetness, but instead a good acid balance and
in a port style. I have never heard of anyone
making a similar wine. We will be pouring this
wine for tasting at the next open event. The
labels are in the mail, so, crossed fingers, we
should finally be able to actually sell it too!
FYI: We'll soon run out of Muller Thurgau 2009
and Frambelle 2010, however the next releases
will be ready once the labels arrive from the
Consider "Like"ing us on Facebook
Yes, I know, to date I haven't spend a whole lot
of effort on the PV Facebook page, but we do
have one. Perhaps once we have more Facebook
friends we'll use it more. So please feel free
to help Facebook folks get more by "Like"ing us
on Facebook. In the "Search" bar at the top of
the page, simply type "Perennial Vintners",
click on the entry labeled "Places", then click
on the "Like" thumbs-up icon.
New weather station
Some of you will have met Andrew MacMillan, the
Executive Chef for Perennial Vintners. Amongst
Andrew's interests is the weather. He also
works with statics and mathematical models (and
he's also a mycologist and leads mushroom
hunting forays)!
Also as you are probably aware (mentioned in
previous newsletters), 2011 was an absolutely
awful growing year in the PS AVA - we lost our
entire crop, much of it to Powdery Mildew (PM).
Andrew got interested in my tale of woe and dug
up some research on predicting PM growth. It
includes a mathematical model that requires only
high and low temperatures and rainfall amounts
collected daily. Andrew's web design and
hosting company
Web Design has purchased a
high-end-but-still-consumer-priced weather
station, and we've installed it in the
vineyard. We now have accurate high/low temps
daily and rainfall, which gets us the PM model
and a Growing Degree Day (GDD) value for the
The weather info is now directly available at
the PV website, click new "Weather Station" link
in left nav bar. Also it's set up to publish to
Weather Underground (
in "location" field enter "Bainbridge Island".
If you've gotten a different Bainbridge station,
click "Station Select", and choose "Perennial
Vintners" (KWBAINB13).
I've been working on a website to handle the PM
and GDD calculations and spray data tracking.
The basic website is there now, though the
automated email alerts backend has not been
completed (hopefully within a week or so.)
Anyone is welcome to have an account, it only
requires an email address. The email address
will only be used for notifications about the
website and of course for any alerts you choose
to set up. Be sure to let any friends in the
Puget Sound area that are serious about growing
grapevines, hops, or roses, know about it.
Vineyard - weeding, planting, weeding
Right now most of the vineyard activity is just
plain weeding, ugh. The dandelions are about to
spread their parachutes all over, I'm furiously
trying to get ahead of that. Next I'll make
another pass against the quackgrass, plaintains,
etc. I've already accepted that I won't be able
to stop the shotweed...
The other task is planting. Each year we pot up
lots of the vineyard prunings in order to make
new plants for the following year. Last year
and this year we made just about 1,000 plant
starts -- thanks to those of you who came out to
help do potting! The work now is to get last
years plants into the ground. We've done about
50, have about 70 more to go. If I manage to
get a block of trees cleared soon, we may be
planting another 700 or so! If you're
interested in helping create history --
establishing a vineyard, please consider joining
email list for announcements about when
we're out working.
Recipes - Grilled Spot Shrimp & Baby
Artichoke Salad
Our Executive Chef Andrew MacMillan prepared a
wonderful meal for a bottling party last
Spring. Apologies that it wasn't posted on the
page until now. However, this is a good
time to post it as many of the ingredients will
be available fresh locally in about a month.
You'll want to come out to the winery for the
next open weekend (see first article this
newsletter) and pick up a bottle of Verjus and a
Müller Thurgau in order to have this meal live
up to it's full potential...