■ Hours/events: Winter hrs
We're currently on Winter open hours:
Fri, Sat, Sun 11am-5pm
Mon-Thu by reservation only, use our
website app,
or call/txt my cell
Of course you can always shop
online if making it to the winery is not
■ Running low wines, special sales
Frambelle 2019: long gone
Sparkling Siegerrebe NV: last few cases
remaining (there will be another SS but not
Siegerrebe 2018: last few cases (but the
2019 is coming right up so no worries)
We have kept our special 3-pack sales on
several wines. The special price is only for 3
bottles, no mix/match.
3x Melon 2018 $60 regular price
$26/ea, so 3rd btl is only $8
3x Siegerrebe 2018 $45 regular
price $21/ea, so 3rd btl is only $3
We are in the process of changing over
to online wine club software, and are
experiencing some growing pains with the
changeover. Please bear with us, and
don't hesitate to call/txt/email me with
questions or concerns.
If you're not already a member, and are
interested, our Wine Club is free to join,
with no penalty fee to leave. All we ask
is that you purchase 12 btls per year.
All wine purchases are 20% off, and you
and your guests do not pay tasting fees.
We'll send you a reminder 3x per year with
suggestions for 4 btls. Although Covid-19
has made it difficult, in the future we
hope to have special members-only pickup
events. You can sign up at the winery or
send us an email.
(We don't have a Summer Wine Club event as
wine can be ruined by heat in the back of
a UPS or FedEx truck.)
We have some excellent contest results to
Great NW Platinum Awards (Jan-2023):
Rubrus 2019, Double Gold
Sparkling Sieg, Gold
Sparkling Rose, Gold
■ Vineyard: Pruning
This time of year is all about pruning. Mid-Jan through
early-Feb was spent pruning our row-end roses, fixing failed
end-posts, and replacing a few failed grapevines. We'll be
doing some grapevine propagating as we go, and we'll need to
squeeze in a first pass on some of the early weeds, but it's
really just pruning for the next 6-7 weeks. If you're
interested in learning about how to prune grapevines, consider
joining our
email list.
Perhaps you've heard our story about
expanding the tasting area with a concrete
slab? A few months ago, I talked with a
fellow about doing the concrete pour (we'll
have it formed and ready). Unfortunately,
I've lost track of that person's email
address. So if you're that person, or if you
know someone who does concrete, please have
them contact me.