▪ Running low wines, special sales
Summer sales have been brisk, and we're rapidly running low on some current releases.
Frambelle 2019: last few cases - there won't be another one soon as we were unable to get sufficient fruit from neighbor farm due to poor weather conditions
Syrah 2016: last few cases - this is the Savor NW Double Gold winner, the 2018 will be up next
Lemberger 2018: last few cases - don't worry, 2019 will be available next
Sprakling Sieg: soon to be low stock - should last through the summer
also have special 3-pack sales on several wines for the summer. The
special price is only if you get 3 bottles, no mix/match.
3x Sparkling Sieg NV $66 regular price $28/ea, so 3rd btl is only $10
3x Melon 2018 $60 regular price $26/ea, so 3rd btl is only $8
3x Siegerrebe 2018 $45 regular price $21/ea, so 3rd btl is only $3
quick note on our Wine Club. We do not have a Wine Club event in the
summer as shipping wine in the heat can be risky - wine can be ruined by
heat in the back of a UPS or FedEx truck as they're not refrigerated.
you're interested, our Wine Club is free to join, with no penalty fee
to leave. All we ask is that you purchase 12 btls per year. All wine
purchases are 20% off, and you and your guests do not pay tasting fees.
We'll send you a reminder 3x per year with suggestions for 4 btls.
Although Covid-19 has made it difficult, in the future we hope to have
special members-only pickup events. You can sign up at the winery or
send us an email.
▪ Awards
We have some excellent contest results to report:
Sparkling Sieg, Silver; Sparkling Rose, Silver
Bellingham NW Wine Competition, every wine we entered got a medal!
Rubrus, Silver; Melon, Silver; Sieg, Silver; Fram, Gold; Sprklng Seg, Gold, Sprklng Rose, Double Gold
▪ Vineyard: Weed control, leaf pulling