▪ Winery: Outlets, low stock
We're happy to announce several places where you can get PV wines!
first is Bay Hay & Feed here in Rolling Bay on Bainbridge Island.
I've actually had wines there for a while, but I'm pretty sure I
neglected to mention them in this newsletter. They carry all my wines,
as well as most of the other BI wineries. They also have many of the
local farmers products, I highly recommend them!
also very pleased to announce that we have a new Seattle outlet - we're
now at the Steelhead Diner in Pike Place Market. Needless to say, with
their seafood oriented menu, I'm proud to have our Melon de Bourgogne
I'd also like to remind folks that the
Harbor Public House on Bainbridge Island also carries our Melon de
Bourgogne. They have what they call "Oyster Happy Hour", featuring
"Buck a shuck" oysters. This is only available Fridays 4pm-7pm, but
they carry our MdB as they know what a fantastic paring this is.
Over the next month or so, we will be bottling all of our 2018 wines. Our first work party is already full up, but we're signing up people for the rest of the bottling work parties now. As usual, our Executive Chef Andrew will be catering the lunches, and will tailor the meals specifically to the wines we'll be bottling that day. This is a lot of fun, I hope some of you will want to join in (simply reply to this email). For more notifications like this, consider joining our
pv-helpers email list.
Remaining bottling dates are: Sat 21-Jul, Sun 22-Jul, Sat 03-Aug, Sun 04-Aug
We're running low on our 2015 Syrah - if this is a favorite of yours, better come in soon to get some.
In honor of Independence Day, we'll be having a one week only Red-White-and-Blau sale! This will be a mixed partial-case, for 50% off! (We need to make room to store the 2018 wines that we're about to bottle!) This will be:
1 btls Syrah (sorry, only 1 as we're low on this one) - "red"
2 btls Siegerrebe - "white"
1 btls Melon de Bourgogne - more "white"
2 btls Lemberger - AKA Blaufrankisch - "blau"
Full price for this half-case is $155. For this sale only, it's $77.50! We also recommend pairing this with our already discounted 3-pack of Isletage at $45 for your Independence Day celebration sipping.
▪ Vineyard: Flowering, shoot thinning