Vintners |
In this
issue: |
▪ Schedule: Seattle (Sat) & Open following Weekend
▪ Competitions & Awards
▪ Farmers
Markets update; schedule & SB 5674
-- Apr-2013 |
▪ Vineyard: Weeding, potting new plants
here to view in HTML on
▪ New outlets: Restaurant Marche, The Chocolate Box
http://www.PerennialVintners.com/ |
▪ Shipping wine and AmazonWine
(Click on any image below to
go to website with more
information/larger image/etc.)
Schedule: Seattle (Sat) & Open following WeekendThis Saturday, we'll be pouring at
Wine World Warehouse
in Seattle. They're doing a series of tastings, oriented by AVA, called the Tour Of WA Series - this weekend is the Puget Sound AVA, billed as the "Islands Tasting". If you like the PV style of cool climate, refreshing wines, you'll want to attend this and try wines from
my vineyard buddies from all around Puget Sound. 2pm-5pm, Wallingford (west just off
I-5 on 45th).
Our next official open day is the following weekend, 27,28-Apr.
This is a
Winery Alliance of Bainbridge
Island event with all wineries
open both days. We'll be open 11am 'til
5pm, the other wineries open at
noon. Special notes for this
- If the labels arrive in time, we expect to have the Orange Muscat for sale (at long last!)
- If someone who reads this newsletter asks for it, we'll open Magelica (but you've got to ask!)
- We'll also have chocolate from
Jacksons made with our
Frambelle wine
Competitions & AwardsAs mentioned last month, this year I've entered several wine competitions and done well, starting with
SavorNW. Since last month we've added awards from the
Great Northwest Wine Competition.
Farmers Markets update; schedule & SB 5674West
Seattle Farmers Market has gone well, we're planning on continuing there every other week. If you're in Seattle on a Sunday (Apr-28, May: 12, 26, Jun: 9, 23, ...), please drop in on the market and meet Ron Swanson, our representative this year. Of course there's many other wonderful vendors there on any weekend -- please support your local farmers market, even if PV isn't there!
We enjoyed opening day at Poulsbo Farmers Market and had pretty durn good weather considering that the forecasts all called for awful rain and wind. We'll be continuing here every
other week, with Kath as our representative. Drop in and say hi (Apr-21, may: 5, 19, Jun: 2, 16, ...). (I have several farmer friends at this market, so drop in every week!)
Just like the previous week, we also had really nice weather for the opening day of the Bainbridge Farmers Market, in spite of a really lousy weather forecast.
We'll be at this market every other week as well. Marnee will be representing PV here, and I really want to recommend this market. This is the most stringent market in the state for
truly local products only. Many of my friends are producers at this market with excellent local products.
Most importantly, I want to thank those of you who have taken the trouble to support the bill that will allow wine sampling at farmers markets. We have been successful so far, we've passed many hurdles. As
you may have seen from previous emails of mine, I actually drove to Olympia to testify before a Legislative committee in favor of this bill. The next step is a formality of going back to the Senate because the bill was amended; then it goes to the Governor to (hopefully) become
law. It's not too late to go to the website and register your approval
for this bill. Also, if you're really bored, you can hear my testimony
(there's no camera on the speakers, only the committee), the 2nd to bottommost link on the page, "Mar 26 House GAO", I start about 12 mins in (I can't believe how many times I said "uh"!)
Vineyard: Weeding, potting new plants
It's the weeding and mowing season, really boring, but really hard work.
special job that we could really use some help with, is potting cuttings for next year's vineyard expansions... Please consider joining our
email list; there's always opportunities for learning! I'm hoping to do this either Fri next week, or the first week of May.
We also have piles of grape canes, which are excellent for making holiday wreathes -- instead of a metal frame, the entire wreath can go straight into the compost heap when you're done with it. Stop by the winery this weekend and get some -- a bundle of 10 (enough for 1 wreath) for only $1.00! You need to shape them into a ring before they become too brittle, you'll want to do this in the next few weeks.
New outlets: Restaurant Marche, The Chocolate BoxThis
item has been neglected for a bit... Greg Atkinson's new Restaurant Marche on Bainbridge has had our wines on the menu for several months now. They are the
only restaurant anywhere that pours our Magelica by the glass. They also use our Verjus in cooking. I had a wonderful dinner there and it was a pleasure. I highly recommend you try them if you haven't already, and that you head on back there soon if
you've already been!
We've also just started up at The Chocolate Box with our Frambelle. This is a wonderful chocolate specialty shop that also has a
great Northwest wine selection. They're very easy to find, located just a few steps from the famous photogenic entrance to the Pike Place Market. Next time you're in that neighborhood, drop on in!
▪ Shipping wine and AmazonWine
wines are now available via AmazonWine, and we now will ship wine. At this time we're only set up for WA State, but CA paperwork is in progress. We are considering other states, but it may be a while as wine shipping way more complicated and expensive than it sounds like it would be.