Vintners |
In this issue: |
▪ Sched: Mem. Day
wknd - barrel tasting, BI Uncorked |
▪ Our new business
model - includes non-BI wines
▪ Releases -
Magelica and Rose' |
-- May-2012 |
▪ Farmers Markets -
Seattle too! |
here to view in HTML on website)
▪ Vineyard -
Trousseau Gris and weeding
http://www.PerennialVintners.com/ |
▪ Mission Small
Business - $250k grant - pls help!
(Click on any image below to go to
website with more information/larger
Sched: Mem. Day wknd - barrel tasting,
BI Uncorked
Our next official open day is Memorial Day
weekend (including Monday) 26,27,28-May.
This is a
Alliance of Bainbridge Island event
with all wineries open both days that
weekend. We'll be open 11am 'til 5pm, the
other wineries open at noon. Special notes
for the weekend:
- We'll be barrel tasting (well, actually
tank tasting) our new red wine (see "New
business model" below).
- We'll be pouring our new rose' wine
(see "Releases" below).
- We'll also have fudge from
Bon Candies on Bainbridge to taste
with the Frambelle -- it's yummy!
- The vineyard is beautiful with new
shoots popping up everywhere. The forecast
is calling for sunshine at least part of the
weekend, so this should be a good chance to
sit at the picnic table in the vineyard for
your first wine picnic of the summer!
(We'll have wine for sale by the glass.)
Also be sure to mark your calendar for
Bainbridge Uncorked 22,23,24-Jun. All the
Bainbridge wineries will be open that
weekend plus several special events, most
importantly a tasting with all the wineries
in downtown Winslow on Saturday evening.
Tickets are available now - in Facebook,
search for "Bainbridge Uncorked", or go to
Alliance of Bainbridge Island website
and click "Events".
Our new business model - includes
non-BI wines
For those of you living nearby (in the Puget
Sound basin), you're aware that last year
(2011) was "the year they forgot to have
summer". Put bluntly, it was a horrible
growing year. A few Puget Sound AVA
wineries did do well, however Perennial
Vintners, was not one of them -- we had a
complete loss of crop, due to powdery mildew
and just plain not enough heat. Obviously
we cannot survive as a business without wine
to sell, so we've had to adapt and change
the way we do business.
Until now,
all our wines have been
grown locally on Bainbridge Island. We will
now also be selling wines that came from
grapes grown outside of Bainbridge Island.
I cannot emphasize enough how difficult it
was to make this decision, to break from
telling purely the Locavore story, but quite
simply there was no choice. It was either
close the doors as a business, or sell some
non-local wines until we again have local
wines available (cross your fingers for a
good growing season this year).
The good part of this though, is that we
will now have available wine types that we
have not had in the past. Our first
non-local release will be a lovely rose'
from Pinot Noir grapes. We also have our
first red wine coming soon, from Lemberger
grapes. We plan to remain true to our style
with more uncommon varieties in unusual
We really want to re-emphasize that
Perennial Vintners will continue with local
Bainbridge Island wines in the future. The
core belief of our business is all about
local products; we are aggressively working
in our vineyards this year to ensure we keep
ahead of the powdery mildew that clobbered
us last year. We will also soon have a
Madeleine Angevine from the Puget Sound AVA,
though it was not grown on Bainbridge. If
you have concerns about this change, we
would love to discuss them with you --
please drop in and we'll talk.
Releases - Magelica and Rose'
As discussed in previous article, we'll soon
be selling our first Rose'-style wine. Made
from Yakima Valley AVA Pinot Noir, it's a
lovely sipping wine. We have the highest
hopes that it will be available for the
Memorial Day weekend, but as usual we don't
have labels yet, so I can't make any
promises - we will definitely be pouring
this for tasting.

We did finally get the
Magelica labels approved, and got the labels
-- we are now selling the 2010 Magelica. In
keeping with PV's style, this is truly
amongst the most unique wine you'll ever
encounter. Botrytised Madeleine Angevine
from 2010 finished slightly sweet, in a
port-style, unlike anything you'll find
anywhere else.
BTW: we're officially out of the Mueller
Thurgau 2009, and are now selling the 2010.
We also have library editions -- if you like
our Mueller, here's a chance to get a
vertical -- we have 2005-2010 now
available. And BTW: we're also getting low
on 2010 Frambelle.
Farmers Markets - Seattle too!
This year we'll be at lots of local farmer's
markets. We'll be at
the third Saturday of each month (started
last weekend!), at
every Saturday starting 02-Jun, and at the
Phinney market Fridays
starting 15-Jun.
We'll also be at the
pouring wine, one weekend
per month, the first being Saturday 16-Jun.
We're really excited about participating in
the WSLCB pilot program that allows tasting
at farmers markets -- you may recall we
talked about this in Mar-2011 newsletter --
thanks again to those of you who contacted
their Senator in favor, we made it happen!
Vineyard - Trousseau Gris and weeding
Our Executive Chef Andrew MacMillen has been
working with PV to pioneer an interesting
grape varietal in this area. He has a
fondness for an otherwise unknown variety
called Trousseau Gris. Last year we ordered
plants from the U.C. Davis mother block, and
have planted them this year. I'm afraid
this is not real exciting yet, though you're
welcome to wander in the vineyard to see
them. However in 4 years when we make the
first wine from them, that will be exciting!
Other than that, it's weeding and mowing,
some irrigating, more weeding, more mowing,
more weeding. I'm so far behind on weeding,
it's just not funny... Anyone interested in
helping out weeding? Yeah, I know, nope.
But just in case, there are other more
interesting tasks -- please consider joining
email list.
Mission Small Business - $250k grant -
pls help!
We need your help. The Living Social
organization, working with Chase Bank, is
offering a $250,000 grant to 12 small
businesses. To be eligible, we need 250
votes. I've submitted my essay and done my
part, now I have to ask you to help out.
You can go there directly
or in Facebook, search for Mission Small
Business and click. This will take you to
their wesbite. You can either create an
account and log in, or simply log in with
your Facebook profile. Next, simply vote
for PV... In the "Business Name" field
enter "Perennial Vintners" and hit Search
button. It'll show you a link to vote for
me, and click -- it's that easy. Thank you!