(Click on any image below to go to website with more
information/larger image/etc.)
Vineyard - Pruning has begun
The new year signals the beginning of grapevine pruning season.
The vines are dormant until air temps reach (and stay most of
the day) about 50F - typically mid-late-March. The problem is
that these next 10 weeks are mostly awful to be outdoors --
cold, windy, rainy, soggy. But it's got to be done... In Jan I
tend to work only on the days that are nice, or at least not
bad. By Feb, I will probably decide that I haven't made enough
progress and will start going out on the lousy days too. If you
have a single backyard grapevine, or are considering having a
commercial vineyard, or if you just like to be outdoors, you may
want to consider helping me out in the vineyard --
learn what wine is truly all about. If interested, reply
to this email, and/or join our
helpers email
Cool climate grape growing class
And that leads in to another fantastic opportunity to learn what
wine is really all about... My friend Steve Snyder of Hollywood
Hill Vineyards does an annual cool climate grape growing and
winemaking class. This year it's 19-Feb-2011 at his
vineyard/winery in Woodinville. If you want to understand wine,
this class is the best start you will get -- Steve makes
excellent wines from both his own grapes and those purchased
from eastern WA and his presentations are well thought out.
More info at his website
Hollywood Hill
Vineyards, click on Events.
Wine Country Cats 2011 calendar

Our winery cat Nigel is
a star! Photographer Jackie Johnston came out to PV and took
photos of Nigel. She has published a wonderful wall calendar
for 2011, featuring Nigel on the front cover. Even better, he's
also Mr. October! I know it's a bit late to be getting your
calendars for this year, but maybe not too late... You can
order it directly from their website:
Public tasting Seattle next week
You may be aware of David LeClaire as an enthusiastic WA wine
supporter in Seattle. Are you aware that he just opened a new
wine shop? It's called
Wine World Warehouse,
it's on 45th just off I-5. They have a wine tasting seven days
a week, 6pm-8pm -- as many as 10 (ten!) wineries may be pouring
on a given day! I've signed up for next Wed. the 12th. For
those of you who just can't make the time to come out and visit
the vineyard on Bainbridge, this is your chance -- hope to see
you there!
FSHFriends Auction
FacioScapuloHumeral Dystrophy, or FSH, is a degenerative
muscular disease, and is the most prevalent form of Muscular
Dystrophy, yet there is no treatment or cure. Each year Mike
Lempriere contributes several auction lots to the Friends of FSH
research event, and of course Mike attends as well because it's
great fun! This year Mikes donations include PV wines,
overnight stay at Hotel Vintage Park, PV private tour/tasting, a
year of website hosting (from Mike's other business
Vintners.Net), and a bottle of 1982 (nineteen eighty two)
Leonetti Cabernet from Mike's personal collection. (Note there
were two of these bottles -- I opened the other with winemaker
friends a few weeks ago and it was showing quite well for it's
advanced age.) This year's event is 29-Jan-2011 at the Bellevue
Hyatt Regency Ballroom. The event features wonderful live jazz
music, fantastic food including the Dessert Frenzy, and more
wonderful stuff than you've seen in one place since last years
event! Please visit their website for more info and to get your
Friends of FSH
research click "Auction page".
Business partner wanted
As mentioned in last months PV-Friends newsletter, the founders
of Perennial Vintners, Mike and Beth have divorced. In the long
run, there is great potential for Perennial Vintners to succeed,
however the immediate short-term financial challenges may
prevent Mike from reaching that milestone. Additional plantings
made in 2008 will bring us significant additional income as of
2012, but we need help getting there. Additionally, we also
have several projects lined up that will continue increasing
income over the next decade, but these will require external
investment to initiate.
If you would like to be a part of a real working vineyard and
winery, the one that is the closest commercial vineyard to
downtown Seattle, this is your chance! Simply reply to this
email letting me know of your interest and we'll see what we can
accomplish together.